First meters of a marathon

By Kasper Nugteren, intern at the department of teacher education The Covid-19 pandemic shook our personal and professional lives like a pair of maracas during a cha-cha. Except you weren’t dancing or having fun in general, because you were stuck indoors during theworst of the lockdowns, being a couch potato and not working on your […]

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Resilience is the pathway to Eudaimonia

From November 2021 to December 2021, Fabiola Aliaj worked as an intern for our project ‘Life is tough, but so are you’. She wrote an interesting blogpost about resilience as the pathway to eudaimonia, and included both her personal story and some tips in it. Resilience is the pathway to Eudaimonia by Fabiola Aliaj Eudaimonia Looking […]

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