Building upon the quanlitative studies we have conducted thus far, we decided to opt for a quantitative design to test our results that we found up until now. That is why we started constructing a survey study in cooperation with Miranda Trippenzee at the department of health psychology at the University Medical Center in Groningen and launched our questionnaire in May 2021. The aim: to access students’ well-being and potential predictive factors thereof, both on an individual and a structural level.
This week, we will present preliminary findings at the Onderwijs Research Dagen conference (online, unfortuantely). Here you can see our poster to gain some overview of the study’s rationale, methods, and first results:

By the way, this summer we will also present findings of our longitudinal interview study at the JURE conference and will discuss several studies on both student and teacher well-being with the aim of establishing the perspective of combining both to enhance the acad