Conferences this summer

by Lisa Kiltz

I’m really excited! Spring is here, which means that summer is just around the corner and with it the next conference season – and, most importantly, my first in-person conference season!

This year, we will be presenting our preliminary results of our ongoing intervention study at the JURE conference for young researchers in Porto, Portugal, and at the Tagung Studiengesundheit in Mainz, Germany – at my home university. Beyond that, we organised a symposium for the SIG1&4 conference in Cadíz, Spain, about academic well-being together with Raven Rinas from Augsburg University, Mikaël De Clercq from Catholic University of Louvain, and Robert Kordts from the University of Bergen. We are incredibly excited and so looking forward to finally presenting our results live and in colour!

If you’re interested in joining the conferences, have a look here:

JURE conference:

SIG1&4 joint conference:

Tagung Studierendengesundheit:

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