How’s life? Early career researchers’ well-being and resilience

On the 5th of March 2024, we organised a workshop for the EARLI/JURE Career Day. This was an interesting workshop with early career researchers’ from different countries. Based on our research into PhD student well-being, we discussed topics such as what is well-being, what is resilience and how can you enhance both of them? More […]

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PhD-student Well-being podcast

Malcolm Davis worked as an intern on the project Succesvol Promoveren. Inspired by the PhD-student Well-being 2023 report, he made a podcast together with Tassos Sarampalis and two PhD students. Interested? You can access the podcast through the following platforms: SpotifyApple PodcastsSoundcloud 

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Op vrijdag 20 september 2019 heeft Els een lezing gehouden tijdens de PhD-day in Groningen over de resultaten van de wellbeing enquete. De titel van de lezing: PhDepressed: An overview of PhD students’ mental health. Meer weten? Klik hier. Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

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